Sauces - Ronnie's Gourmet
Bentå Chili Oil 250 ml
Order our most popular classic chili oil home! The products can be picked from the truck or shipped to your home. The Chili oil is gluten-free and vegan.<br><br>[EN] Ingredients: Rapeseed oil 50%, chili and chili flakes (Capsicum frutescens, Facing Heaven, Er jing tiao) 28%, fermented BEANS 22%, star anis, Sichuan pepper, cumin, bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, leek, salt, sugar, sesame seeds. Gluten-free and Vegan. <br>Once open, preserve in the fridge, and consume within 2 months.<br>[FI]AINESOSAT: Rapsiöljy 50%, chili ja chilijauhe (Capsicum frutescens, Facing Heaven, Er jing tiao) 28%, fermentoitu SOIJAPAPU 22%, tähtianis, Sichuan-pippuri, kumina, laakerinlehdet, kaneli, inkivääri, purjo, suola, sokeri, seesaminsiemeniä. GLUTEENITON, VEGAANINEN<br>Säilyy avattuna jääkaapissa 2 kk.<br>[SV] INGREDIENSER: Rapsolja 50%, chili och chilipulver (Capsicum frutescens, Facing Heaven, Er Jing tiao) 28%, fermenterad SOJABÖNOR 22%, stjärnanis, Sichuanpeppar, spiskummin, lagerblad, kanel, ingefära, purjolök, salt, socker, sesamfrön. GLUTEN-FRI, VEGAN<br>Öppnad förpackning håller 2 månader i kylskåp.
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